About Me

Hi everyone!  I wanted to start off by explaining a little bit about me.  I’m an oily, crafty, creative mom who loves her oils and crafting new things.  I am a veteran, student, and full time mom to three beautiful children. 

Crafting has been my passion for years!  I started  with creating scrapbooks and other small projects.  That’s where my love for crafting started.  Eventually I got the opportunity to work with a  wonderful woman who taught me tons of techniques for crafting with paper. That led me into exploring and expanding into other types of paper craft. This is still a passion of mine, but I use what I’ve learned more as an accessory to what I do now.

The journey to where I am now has been an interesting one. As I mentioned earlier I consider myself and “oily” mom.  Basically this means that I use essential oils for various applications in my normal day to day life.  I have a love for essential oils and herbs. One of the easiest applications for essential oils is aromatherapy. It can do wonders for the soul.  How this evolved into my current business was just magical and a natural next step. I wanted to share with the world the joys of essential oils, crystals and crafting. This desire eventually turned into me making aromatherapy and crystal jewelry. I started with lava bead bracelets surrounded by crystals; stretch bracelets, wrap bracelets, knotted bracelets and even malas. With lava beads you have the option to apply your choice of essential oil and wear it with you all day.  But wouldn’t it be nice to have an easy way to carry that same essential oil around with you for easy reapplication? Of course you could just throw it in your bag…. but that isn’t as fun or creative! I remember scrolling through the internet and I saw a beautiful essential roller pendant. Now I had seen these pendants before, but not quite like this one. I remember staring at the picture over and over again trying to figure out how?! How was this done? It didn’t look like other metal work I had seen. I then took to doing tons of research and eventually made my own versions of essential oil roller pendants. But this beautiful art (electroforming) had opened up a whole new world for me. A world where imagination and creativity could run wild.  How this evolved into my current business was just magical and a natural next step. My focus was not just on aromatherapy anymore but on making beautiful pieces, filled with positive intentions that could bring the wearer joy and purpose everyday they wear them.  The true beauty of electroforming is that no piece will ever be exactly the same because with this art the copper takes on a life of its own. Pieces may be similar, but never identical. 

I do still make beaded crystal and aromatherapy jewelry and I enjoy doing so. So I hope that between beaded options, and electroformed copper that you can find a piece (or pieces) that will bring you joy, beautiful intentions, and purpose. 

Occasionally I do customs, so if you have an idea don’t hesitate to reach out to me so we can work together to bring your ideas to life.